last i posted, id begun contacting venues to solicit their participation in my Artist Enrichment grant project.
it brought back the days of handling events and PR when i worked at an independent bookstore in Cleveland, OH. managers are not always at the store, and have much to worry about besides events slated in the far future.
and i got sidetracked by my chronic illness, even while taking on a side-project of helping my sister edit her spiritual memoir/call to community she is self-publishing, about life after reading Eckhart Tolle.
in fact, while i have not read Tolle, reading her book while sick has kept the pain’s counterpart—anxiety, to a decent low, and i have so absorbed myself in the editing.
i continue when i feel well to produce drawings–or it should seem collages, mainly, of late. but i will resume my solicitations presently.
the event part of my project is not until November 4th &5th.
i am on-track, with 18 canvas printed, a press release written, and a couple of contacts made. i have sold a couple of the canvas, and replaced them (for the project). for the time being i expect some stuttered steps, as i reach buyers and managers one by one, until i have a number i like to pull this thing off.
Tolle says we each have a pain body. it is the sum of our emotional pain. when we sit with the pain and transmute it, we become more present, and live more fully in the now. when you are in physical pain–quite different from the pain body, which is composed of emotions–living in the now is vital! one must be present and cannot think very much ahead. i am allowing myself to eke my way thru a bad spell, and expect to come out more focused and alive than i was when the pain became intractable.
for now, i will share some recent collages: