Day 1 and already Two bookstores have signed on to participate. They will have my book available for sale, on display with a piece of my art on canvas, Nov. 4th & 5th of this year. i have contacted 4 more, and will be following up with them.
Also spoke with a local librarian. it may be the case with all libraries–they can have the book and art on display, but not for sale. so i will furthur investigate whether this is the case across the board.
My point is to forge lasting relationships with venues, so that I can collaborate with them on festivals, poetry readings, benefits and other events in the future. And to get my art out there, and my book in eager hands.
If you are unfamiliar with the project, I lay it out here.
I feel like if I contact a few venues each day, I will reach my goal of 24 participating venues. 24 is a large number, but is feasible if I stick to my budget. The biggest cost, it would seem, is shipping the art to and fro…however perhaps some of the canvas will sell, and therefore not need be shipped back?
wink wink
xoxo Bree